GDP Pharma supply chain awareness


 Type : online

 Duration: 1 hour

 Language : NL - FR - EN - ES

 Proof: Certificate of GDP intro knowledge

PLEASE NOTE: This is an introductory training and certificate. This is not a GDP Pharma full-fledged training and certificate. For that you need to select one of our training courses with accompanying certificate.

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Pharmaceutical manufacturers have developed standards for the safe shipping of their products. The GDP Pharma supply awareness training provides general information on Good Distribution Practices (GDP) of the pharmaceutical industry, focused on the specific environments and their corresponding job description.

This course focuses mainly on how to handle and act correctly to guarantee the quality and integrity of the pharmaceutical product during transport, storage or transshipment.

Important matters such as SOP, Labels, Checklists, Controls are explained in detail.

Target audience

  • All employees working in the pharma supply chain
  • Anyone involved in the pharma supply chain


No pharma supply knowledge required


  • Introduction to Pharma Good Distribution Practices
  • Brief explanation of the GDP Guidelines
  • Explanation of how to review guidelines in an organization


  • Interpreting and translating the Good Distribution guidelines to your work environment
  • Certificate of GDP knowledge

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